Package jason.asSyntax

package jason.asSyntax
  • Class
    Represents and solve arithmetic expressions like "10 + 30".
    Represents an arithmetic function, like math.max(arg1,arg2) -- a functor (math.max) and two arguments.
    Represents an atom (a positive literal with no argument and no annotation, e.g.
    Represents a binary/unary logical/relational operator.
    Use BodyType of PlanBody instead
    A term with recursion (cyclic), created by code like X = f(X).
    Base class for all terms.
    A particular type of literal used to represent internal actions (which has a "." in the functor).
    The interface for lists of the AgentSpeak language
    Represents a list node as in prolog .(t1,.(t2,.(t3,.))).
    This class represents an abstract literal (an Atom, Structure, Predicate, etc), it is mainly the interface of a literal.
    A Literal extends a Pred with strong negation (~).
    Represents a logical formula with some logical operator ("&", "|", "not").
    Represents a logical formula (p, p invalid input: '&' q, not p, 3 > X, ...) which can be evaluated into a truth value.
    The interface for maps in the AgentSpeak language
    Represents a Jason map as a TreeMap in java
    The interface for numeric terms of AgentSpeak language
    Immutable class that implements a term that represents a number
    Interface for terms that encapsulate java objects
    Represents an AgentSpeak plan (it extends structure to be used as a term)
    Interface for elements of a plans's body.
    Represents a plan body item (achieve, test, action, ...) and its successors.
    A Pred extends a Structure with annotations, e.g.: a(1)[an1,an2].
    Represents the "type" of a predicate based on the functor and the arity, e.g.: ask/4
    Represents a relational expression like 10 > 20.
    A rule is a Literal (head) with a body, as in "a :- b & c".
    The interface for sets in the AgentSpeak language
    Represents a Jason set as a TreeSet in java
    Store information about the file source of some term (atom, literal, etc).
    The interface for string terms of the AgentSpeak language
    Immutable class for string terms.
    Represents a structure: a functor with n arguments, e.g.: val(10,x(3)).
    Common interface for all kind of terms
    Represents an AgentSpeak trigger (like +!g, +p, ...).
    Represents an unnamed variable '_'.
    Represents a variable Term: like X (starts with upper case).